Keywords: hotel and restaurant business, hospitality industry, reserves, system modeling, management


The article reveals the multifaceted nature of problems in the management theory of the hospitality industry, which requires certain research methods that would allow the most complete characterization of the complex nature of the management process. The research methodology should take into account the influence of the external and internal environment, multifacetedness, qualitative composition and order of interrelationships of the constituent parts of the management system, as well as provide an opportunity to synthesize and integrate them into a coherent model. The identification of reserves and the development of functional strategies that realize these reserves will allow modern enterprises of the hospitality industry to move to a new level in terms of the quality of service and provision of services. The reserve search mechanism involves a set of studies related to the formation, discovery and use of reserves. To achieve both local and general goals of the organization, a functional strategy should be used, which refers to a separate functional process, direction (stage or element) of the economic activity of the enterprise – marketing, service provision, finance, investments, personnel, and a resource strategy, which refers to separate resources of provision strategic activity of the enterprise. The formation of the methodology of scientific knowledge requires a complete and comprehensive reflection of objective processes regarding adaptation to modern conditions of functioning (principles of development) and development of the object of research, processes of quantitative and qualitative changes, their interaction and the degree of mutual influence. The identification of cause-and-effect relationships and regularities of conditioning of one process or phenomenon to another allows to reveal new qualitative aspects of the object being studied. This can be achieved by considering the researched object (process, phenomenon) as a system and using the system approach and its methods as one of the effective means of scientific knowledge. Therefore, having identified all the reserves for increasing the competitiveness of hotel and restaurant businesses, it is necessary to develop and implement the phased implementation of functional strategies that will allow hospitality industry enterprises to reach a new world level.


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How to Cite
Yudina, O. I., Yazina, V. A., & Kyryllova, S. K. (2022). TARGETED MANAGEMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT RESERVES OF HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY ENTERPRISES. Systems and Technologies, 64(2), 56-59.