Keywords: similar means of accommodation, recreation centers, summer camps, young athletes, proper nutrition, sports nutrition.


The article discusses summer camps and recreation centers, which are popular places for training for young athletes. But if you don’t follow certain rules about sports nutrition, you can ruin all the work they’ve done during the year. Sports nutrition includes the right balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as vitamins and minerals. Children and teenagers who play sports in the summer usually stay longer in training and competitions than usual. Therefore, it is important to provide them with proper sports nutrition to support the energy needs of the body and provide the necessary vitamins and minerals. First of all, you should pay attention to the diet and observe the correct ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Proteins are needed to maintain muscle mass and restore tissues after training. Fats provide energy and affect hormonal balance. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the body. It is important to include in the diet foods containing a variety of proteins (fish, meat, eggs, soy, tofu, buckwheat, legumes), fatty acids (fish, olive and flax oil, seeds and nuts) and carbohydrates (vegetables, fruits, cereals). Proper nutrition is a fashionable trend in people’s lives, which allows you to eat delicious food and at the same time be healthy, and keep your body in shape. But you need to change your lifestyle gradually so as not to harm. Proper nutrition is, first of all, a diet for maintaining and strengthening health, improving well-being and mood, portions sufficient to satisfy hunger and a variety of delicious ingredients! That is, we are not talking about any diets and raw vegetables. It goes without saying that carbonated drinks, chips, fried, smoked and many sweets do not fit into the canons of proper nutrition, it’s just that such products should be consumed in moderation and as rarely as possible. The fashion for PP did not arise spontaneously. People who have understood what proper nutrition is, have proven the enormous benefit of a balanced system of saturating the body with nutrients by personal example. The philosophy of proper nutrition is embedded in the famous saying of the “father of medicine” Hippocrates that a person is the essence of what he eats. Many perceive it as something abstract from reality. But proper nutrition is the shortest way to physical and mental health, improving the quality of life.


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How to Cite
Pohrebniak, A. V., Yazina, V. A., Sabirov, O. V., & Markov, I. Y. (2023). SPORTS NUTRITION OF YOUNG ATHLETES IN SIMILAR FACILITIES OF HOTEL ACCOMMODATION IN UKRAINE. Systems and Technologies, 65(1), 147-153.