Проаналізовано європейський досвід розвитку транспортно-логістичних центрів із метою виявлення можливостей адаптації в Україні. Досліджено специфіку функціонування міжнародних транспортно-логістичних центрів Німеччини, Італії, Франції, Китаю, Японії та ін. Розкрито особливості функ-ціонування логістичних центрів Західної Європи, Росії та КНР.
У результаті досліджень виявлено основні перешкоди розвитку вітчиз- няного логістичного ринку, окреслено перспективи щодо створення транс-портно-логістичних центрів регіонального та міжнародного значення.
1. Tylendiev E. E. (2009), Nauchno-metodicheskiye osnovy razvitiya sistemy regional'-nykh transportno-logisticheskikh tsentrov (na primere Respubliki Kazakhstan) [Scientific and methodological principles of the development of the system of regional transport and logistics centers (on the example of the Republic of Kazakhstan)”]: Ph.D Thesis: 08.00.05. Minsk, 23 р. [Belarus].
2. Lobanov N. B. Transportno-logisticheskiye tsentry: zarubezhnyy opyt [Transport and logistics centers: foreign experience], available at: http://www.lobanov-logist.ru/library/355/57650 [Russia].
3. Luk’yanova O. M. and Kryvtsun D. Yu. (2018), “Svitovyy dosvid ta perspektyvy rozvytku transportno-lohistychnoyi systemy Ukrayiny” [“World experience and prospects of development of transport and logistics system of Ukraine”], Journal Ekonomika ta suspil’stvo [Economy and society], electronic scientific edition of Mukachevo State University, vol. 18, pp. 166-171, available at: http://www.economyandsociety. in.ua/journal-18/25-stati-18/2231-luk-yanova-o-m-krivtsun-d-yu [Ukraine].
4. Trancportno-logictuchni centru: cvitovui dosvid [“Transportation and logistics centers: foreign experience”], available at: http://www.elc-ua.com/ru/news/60 [Ukraine].
5. Polyakova O. M. and Shramenko O. V. (2017), “Cuchasni tendentsiyi rozvytku trans portno-lohistychnoyi infrastruktury v Ukrayini i sviti” [“Modern tendencies of development of transport and logistics infrastructure in Ukraine and in the world”], Journal Problemy transportnoho kompleksu Ukrayiny [Problems of the transport complex of Ukraine, vol. 58, pp. 126–134 [Ukraine].
6. Polyakova O. M. and Colomnikov I. B. (2015), “Peredumovy forsuvannya merezhi mul’tymodal’nykh transportno-lohistychnykh tsentriv v Ukrayini” [“Prerequisites for the formation of a network of multimodal transport and logistics centers in Ukraine”], Journal Visnyk ekonomiky i promyslovosti [Bulletin of economy and industry], vol. 34, pp. 217-222 [Ukraine]/
7. Pal'nikova Ye. N. (2016), “Metody povysheniya konkurentosposobnosti avtomobil'-nogo gruzovogo transporta” [“Methods of increasing the competitiveness of road freight transport”], Journal Molodoy uchenyy [Young scientist], vol. 10, pp. 809-814. URL https://moluch.ru/archive/114/29633/ [Russia].
8. Cavenko C. V. Razvitiye transportno-logisticheskikh tsentrov v yevropeyskom regione [Development of transport and logistics centers in the European region], available at: http://transportinform.com/315-razvitie-transportno-logisticheskihcentrov.html [Belarus].
9. Kyz’menko A. V. (2015), “Dosvid ta zakonomirnosti formuvannya svitovoyi transportno-lohistychnoyi infrastruktury” [“Experience and patterns of formation of world transport and logistics infrastructure”], Journal Naukovyy ohlyad [Scientific Review], vol. 7, pp. 5–18 [Ukraine].
10. Tarnavs’ka N. P. and Syvak R. B. (2016), “Orhanizatsiyni ta infrastrukturni peredumovy stvorennya mizhnarodnoho lohistychnoho tsentru” [“Organizational and infrastructure prerequisites for the creation of an international logistics center”] Journal Biznes–Inform [Business-Inform], vol. 13, pp. 29–35 [Ukraine]
11. Shirayeva L. V. and Kozerenko I. A. (2017), ”Percpektuvu rozvutky logictuchnogo centry v Ykraine na ocnovi Evropeickoi ta aziatckoimodekeu” [“Prospects for development of logistics centers in Ukraine based on European and Asian models”] Journal Vicnuk Cxidnoykrainckogo nacionalnjgo ynivercitety V. Dalay [Bulletin of the East Ukrainian National University named after Vladimir Dahl], vol. 4 (146), pp. 74-81 [Ukraine].
12. Mandra V. V. (2016), “Analiz svitovoho dosvidu upravlinnya transportno-lohistychnym tsentrom” [“Analysis of the world experience of management of transport and logistics center”], Journal Ekonomichnyy analiz [Economic analysis], vol. 2, pp. 92-97 [Ukraine].
13. Derzhavna sluzhba statystyky Ukrayiny [State Statistics Service of Ukraine], Official site, available at: http://www.ukrstat.gov.ua/ [Ukraine].
2. Lobanov N. B. Transportno-logisticheskiye tsentry: zarubezhnyy opyt [Transport and logistics centers: foreign experience], available at: http://www.lobanov-logist.ru/library/355/57650 [Russia].
3. Luk’yanova O. M. and Kryvtsun D. Yu. (2018), “Svitovyy dosvid ta perspektyvy rozvytku transportno-lohistychnoyi systemy Ukrayiny” [“World experience and prospects of development of transport and logistics system of Ukraine”], Journal Ekonomika ta suspil’stvo [Economy and society], electronic scientific edition of Mukachevo State University, vol. 18, pp. 166-171, available at: http://www.economyandsociety. in.ua/journal-18/25-stati-18/2231-luk-yanova-o-m-krivtsun-d-yu [Ukraine].
4. Trancportno-logictuchni centru: cvitovui dosvid [“Transportation and logistics centers: foreign experience”], available at: http://www.elc-ua.com/ru/news/60 [Ukraine].
5. Polyakova O. M. and Shramenko O. V. (2017), “Cuchasni tendentsiyi rozvytku trans portno-lohistychnoyi infrastruktury v Ukrayini i sviti” [“Modern tendencies of development of transport and logistics infrastructure in Ukraine and in the world”], Journal Problemy transportnoho kompleksu Ukrayiny [Problems of the transport complex of Ukraine, vol. 58, pp. 126–134 [Ukraine].
6. Polyakova O. M. and Colomnikov I. B. (2015), “Peredumovy forsuvannya merezhi mul’tymodal’nykh transportno-lohistychnykh tsentriv v Ukrayini” [“Prerequisites for the formation of a network of multimodal transport and logistics centers in Ukraine”], Journal Visnyk ekonomiky i promyslovosti [Bulletin of economy and industry], vol. 34, pp. 217-222 [Ukraine]/
7. Pal'nikova Ye. N. (2016), “Metody povysheniya konkurentosposobnosti avtomobil'-nogo gruzovogo transporta” [“Methods of increasing the competitiveness of road freight transport”], Journal Molodoy uchenyy [Young scientist], vol. 10, pp. 809-814. URL https://moluch.ru/archive/114/29633/ [Russia].
8. Cavenko C. V. Razvitiye transportno-logisticheskikh tsentrov v yevropeyskom regione [Development of transport and logistics centers in the European region], available at: http://transportinform.com/315-razvitie-transportno-logisticheskihcentrov.html [Belarus].
9. Kyz’menko A. V. (2015), “Dosvid ta zakonomirnosti formuvannya svitovoyi transportno-lohistychnoyi infrastruktury” [“Experience and patterns of formation of world transport and logistics infrastructure”], Journal Naukovyy ohlyad [Scientific Review], vol. 7, pp. 5–18 [Ukraine].
10. Tarnavs’ka N. P. and Syvak R. B. (2016), “Orhanizatsiyni ta infrastrukturni peredumovy stvorennya mizhnarodnoho lohistychnoho tsentru” [“Organizational and infrastructure prerequisites for the creation of an international logistics center”] Journal Biznes–Inform [Business-Inform], vol. 13, pp. 29–35 [Ukraine]
11. Shirayeva L. V. and Kozerenko I. A. (2017), ”Percpektuvu rozvutky logictuchnogo centry v Ykraine na ocnovi Evropeickoi ta aziatckoimodekeu” [“Prospects for development of logistics centers in Ukraine based on European and Asian models”] Journal Vicnuk Cxidnoykrainckogo nacionalnjgo ynivercitety V. Dalay [Bulletin of the East Ukrainian National University named after Vladimir Dahl], vol. 4 (146), pp. 74-81 [Ukraine].
12. Mandra V. V. (2016), “Analiz svitovoho dosvidu upravlinnya transportno-lohistychnym tsentrom” [“Analysis of the world experience of management of transport and logistics center”], Journal Ekonomichnyy analiz [Economic analysis], vol. 2, pp. 92-97 [Ukraine].
13. Derzhavna sluzhba statystyky Ukrayiny [State Statistics Service of Ukraine], Official site, available at: http://www.ukrstat.gov.ua/ [Ukraine].
Як цитувати
Kolesnikov, V., Chupryna, N., Garkysha, V., & Kuchkova, O. (2019). МІЖНАРОДНИЙ ДОСВІД ПОБУДОВИ ТРАНСПОРТНО-ЛОГІСТИЧНИХ ЦЕНТРІВ І ПЕРСПЕКТИВИ ДЛЯ УКРАЇНИ. Системи та технології, 2(58), 200-210. https://doi.org/10.32836/2521-6643-2019-2-58-14