Keywords: network, system, client, protocol, telephone, control.


The article is devoted to the topical issue of providing remote control of critical infrastructure facilities in conditions of active hostilities when they are constantly exposed to missile strikes and attacks. The authors define the main task of maintaining the functionality of a remote object, excluding risks for the personnel that this object serves, and the stages of implementation and implementation of the system are given, not excluding the occurrence of emergency power outages and other emergencies. The paper considers the process of organizing remote control of automated objects using the Yggdrasil P2P network, as well as models, methods, and software for providing remote control of objects. It is taken into account that when applying Yggdrasil technology, each network node addresses another by its internal network IPv6 address, and the traffic between them passes through other nodes until it reaches the destination. Packet routing is based on the coordinates of the network tree distributed using hash tables (DHT) and routing tables at each node The article analyzes available ready-made remote control solutions, identifies their shortcomings, and proposes an algorithm for implementing remote control using the Yggdrasil network. It has been found that the following is appropriate in the system: the use of mobile phones with support for the RNDIS protocol; application of networks of mobile communication operators and special software on the client side. The authors, to simplify the installation and configuration of the Yggdrasil client on end devices running Windows operating systems, implemented the YggVPN configuration utility in the C programming language. The version of the remote control system proposed in the article is implemented and tested using the client/server software TigerVNC, which is used at staff workplaces, and the droidVNC-NG application, which is used for remote control of phones. Yggdrasil network tools and password protection of VNC servers ensure communication confidentiality and prevent unauthorized access to the object. Communication with the object is carried out via the Internet, thereby ensuring the mobility of remote operators and workplaces.


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How to Cite
Kyrychek, H. H., Pestov, O. D., & Tiahunova, M. Y. (2024). REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM OF CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE OBJECTS. Systems and Technologies, 68(2), 63-70.