Authors guidelines

Dear authors!

Scholarly manuscripts, which have never been published and are not subject to publication in others periodicals, are accepted for a peer-reviewed journal “Systems and Technologies”. To publish an article in Issue 2, you should fill in an application form and send the article to before September  26, 2024.

An email should have RE “Article for Systems and Technologies. Issue 2, 2024 (indicate the issue number the article is submitted to). Authors obligatorily receive an email confirming the scientific article’s acceptance and assessment by the editorial board.

Attention! If you have not received a confirmation letter in more than 7 working days, contact the editorial office.

Authors receive an email containing the peer-review outcome (rejected, approved with amendments, and approved).

Academic integrity

The Editorial Board guarantees high-quality anonymous peer-review of articles and their check for plagiarism using by the Polish company

Publication in Issue 2/2024 is free of charge. An electronic version of “Systems and Technologies” will be publicly available on the website after November 30, 2024.

If desired, an author can order a journal’s printed copy, which costs 800 UAH. An author is provided with payment details after the article’s approval for publishing from the editorial board. The author should send an electronic payment confirmation (a scanned receipt or photo).

Please adhere to the requirements for articles and their submission for publication. The editors do not consider articles that violate the below requirements.

Requirement for article content and design

Article language: Ukrainian or English

A manuscript should comprise the following elements:

  1. UDC (left-aligned). To identify a code, use;
  2. the author’s initials and surname (semi bold), academic degree and rank, position and affiliation (full name), ORCID. Each co-author is indicated on a new line.
  3. an article title (align middle, semi-bold);
  4. an abstract and keywords in Ukrainian (at least 1800 printed characters);
  5. the author’s initials and surname, an article title and abstract in English (2000–2500 printed characters);
  6. article text comprising the following elements:
    Problem statement.
    Analysis of recent research and publications.
    Research purpose.
    Basic material presentation.
    Conclusions and prospects for further research.
  7. Bibliography list is drafted in the order of citation or alphabetically (DSTU 8302:2015 “Information and documentation. Bibliographic reference. General provisions and compilation rules”).
    In-text references are put in square brackets [1, p. 56; 7, p. 45–51].
  8. References (transliteration) (APA Style Reference Citations).

The above elements are put in bold in text.

Problem statement is presented in general: it is highlighted its relation to important scientific or practical tasks. When analysing recent research and publications the author relies on and which deal with the problem concerned and its solution, it is necessary to mark previously unsolved parts of the general problem the article is devoted to. Basic material presentation involves complete substantiation of research findings.

Article text should be typed using Microsoft Word. File format – RTF or DOC(Х).

Volume: 12 – 20 pages (basic part), Times New Roman – 14, line spacing - 1.5, margins – 2 cm, paragraph indention – 1 cm. Formatting paragraphs via spaces or tabs is not allowed. Text wrap is not allowed. Pages are not numbered.

Source of figures and tables are specified (Source:….). Tables, graphs and figures should be black and white. Illustrative materials should be placed after referring to them in the text. Figures are additionally submitted as a separate Microsoft Excel file. The simultaneous use of tables and graphs to explain the same provisions is not recommended.

Mathematical formulas should be carefully checked and clearly printed. Formulas are suggested to be designed using MathType 4.0 (6.0) Equation for MS Word, or Microsoft Equation 3.0 with the following character sizes: regular - 14 ts, large index - 10 ts, small index - 7 ts, large symbol - 18 ts, small symbol - 12 ts. Formulas must be separated by one line from other text, centered, numbered in round brackets, and right-aligned.

In-text literature references are put in square brackets, which indicate the position number in the list of references and page.

Prohibition to refer to the aggressor state’s scholarly papers

It is prohibited citing and including in the reference list russian-language contributions published in any country, incl. papers written in other languages but published in russia and belarus.

Example of the name of electronic files: Ivanenko_article, Ivanenko_receipt, etc.

The editors reserve the right to reject materials due to poor originality (less than 80%), non-conformity with journal focus, and violation of terms or design requirements.

Authors should guarantee they have received all necessary permits for using materials protected by copyright.

The date of receipt of the article’s final version by the editorial board is considered the date of receipt of the manuscript by the editors.


  • 113 – Applied Mathematics
  • 122 – Computer Sciences
  • 123 – Computer Engineering
  • 125 – Cyber security and information protection
  • 275 – Transport Technologies (by types)
  • 172 – Telecommunications and Radio Engineering
  • 241 – Hotel and catering business

Peer-review process

Peer-review of articles is anonymous according to the Order of MES No. 32 as of 15.01.2018 and the Peer-review process in the scientific journal “Systems and Technologies”.

Review forms are designed using MS Word, authenticated by peer reviewers via ordinary or electronic signature, and deposited in the editorial office for three years.

The author submits to the editorial board an article that meets the requirements of the journal policy and the rules for preparing articles for publication. Manuscripts that do not meet the relevant requirements are not registered and are not allowed for further consideration about which authors are notified. The article is registered by the assistant editor in the registration book indicating the date of receipt, title, author’s full name, and affiliation. An individual registration number is assigned to the article.

The consideration of a manuscript takes 2-3 weeks.

Authors receive an email about the peer-review outcome (“rejected”, “approved with amendments”, “approved”).

A reviewer drafts a report (if necessary) for the article’s author and the editors either on approval of the manuscript without revision, or on allowing the author to re-examine the manuscript and resubmit it to the editors after improving and eliminating, or on the complete rejection of the manuscript without allowing its re-submission to the editorial office. The reviewer’s comments and remarks are forwarded to the author, incl. recommendations for potential editing and refinement of the manuscript.

After a successful review, authors are provided with payment details for the publication fee.

Confidentiality policy

Reprinting of materials is permitted only with the written consent of the editors. The published materials render the author’s position, which may not be shared by the editors. The author is responsible for the reliability of facts, statistical data, and other information.

The editors reserve the right to make scientific and literary edits to articles without further discussion with the author. Correspondence with readers is conducted only via means indicated in Contacts.

Names and email addresses provided by users of this website will be used exclusively for the internal technical tasks of the journal; they are not distributed or transferred to third parties.

Attention! If you have not received a confirmation letter in more than 7 working days, please address the editorial office following Contacts.