The article analyzes the problems associated with the renewal of Europe's technological sovereignty in the field of data collection, storage, processing and exchange using cloud technologies, develops general recommendations for the placement of state information technologies and their backup copies in the cloud services of the countries of the European Union, which has an important significance in terms of the European integration development of our country, taking into account the fact that Ukraine officially submitted an application for EU membership on February 28, 2022. It is noted that the Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine Regarding Ensuring the Functioning of Information and Communication Systems, Electronic Communication Systems, Public Electronic Registries" dated March 15, 2022 No 2130-IX amended the Law of Ukraine "On Protection of Information in Information and Communication Systems", namely regarding the possibility of placing state information resources and their backup copies on cloud resources and/or data processing centers located outside of Ukraine At the same time, there are restrictions that do not allow posting data on the territory of a number of countries. The possibility of placing such data in cloud services of the countries of the European Union is being considered. The activity of the Gaia-X association, established in 2020, is analyzed, the task of which is to create a pan-European system of cloud collection, storage, processing and free exchange of data. The actual goal of the association is to ensure the sovereignty and competitiveness of the European economy. It is noted that the Gaia-X association itself is not a cloud platform or an official standardization body, does not provide services and is not engaged in the direct technical implementation of projects developed according to its tasks. At the same time, the activities of Gaia-X are not sufficiently covered in domestic literature to date, information about it is usually limited to short news reports. It is emphasized the need for a thorough study of the activities of this association, its purpose, tasks, methods used by it, and problems that arose during their implementation. In addition, attention is focused on the need to consider and possible existing alternatives in case the Gaia-X association cannot solve the numerous problems that have appeared in its activities in recent years.
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13. Gaia-X Lighthouse projects: the industrialisation of the Gaia-X Concepts URL: https://gaia-x.eu/news/latest-news/gaia-x-lighthouse-projects-the-industrialisation-of-the-gaia-x-concepts.
14. Communication from the commission to the European parliament, the council, the European economic and social committee and the committee of the regions: A European strategy for data URL: https://www.tadviser.ru/images/5/58/Communication-european-strategy-data-19feb2020_en.pdf.
15. Inside Gaia-X: How chaos and infighting are killing Europe’s grand cloud project URL: https://www.politico.eu/article/chaos-and-infighting-are-killing-europes-grand-cloud-project.
16. Gaia-X board member blames lobbying for project’s gridlock URL: https://www.politico.eu/article/eu-lobbying-cloud-project-gaia-x-board-member-says-cloud-project-must-neuter-lobbies-role-to-get-on-track.
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19. EUCLIDIA: the European Cloud Industrial Alliance URL: https://www.euclidia.eu.