Keywords: information systems, reliability, efficiency, software, quality, structure, technological process, integrated indicator, objective function, errors, probability of failures, cybersecurity


The problems considered in the article are related to ensuring the specified indicators of efficiency and reliability of the designed software complexes for information systems through a structural approach to the main stages of the software life cycle. The relevance of this class of software is determined by the wide distribution of such systems. Distinctive features of the modern complex of programs for information systems are their large information and logical complexity, significant volumes of programs, work in conditions of a limited amount of computing resources with high requirements for the efficiency and reliability of their functioning, as well as a pronounced production and technical nature of software tools for all life cycle stages. The main problem associated with the creation of complex software systems is to increase the reliability of programs. One of the promising ways to solve the problem is the implementation of a detailed regulated technological process. At the same time, the required level of regulation has been achieved as a result of a structural approach to ensuring reliability at various stages of software life. Among the known ways to improve the reliability of software, this article pays special attention to progressive methods of creating programs and the widespread use of automation tools, since the technology under consideration and its instrumental support are based on a structural approach to software development. The role and influence of the corresponding structural methods on the reliability characteristics of the software is shown. In general, the structural approach makes it possible to increase the efficiency of working with software based on the implementation of three provisions: streamlining and unifying the structural construction of the software package; ordering work to eliminate errors; creating conditions for the effective application of assembly programming technology based on the software backlog.


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How to Cite
Voskoboinyk, V. O., Savchenko, I. V., Karpukov, L. M., Parshyna, O. A., & Prokopovych-Tkachenko, D. I. (2024). ASSESSMENT OF THE STATE OF INFORMATION SECURITY USING EXPERT SYSTEMS. Systems and Technologies, 67(1), 72-79.