Keywords: pdf generation, web service, java, smpt, spring.


The design and development of a web service for automatic generation, email distribution and verification of PDF certificates or other PDF documents are considered in the work. This web service can work independently or in integration with other software products. The task of generating a PDF document is implemented using the iText library, which allows you to create files in various ways. In this project, PDF files are generated based on HTML templates, which allows you to easily create documents with different markup and different design. GMail’s SMPT server is used to send e-mails. Letters are created using the JavaMailSender library. There are two ways to verify the authenticity of a PDF certificate. You can follow the link on the certificate. If information about such a document is available in the database, the name of the event and the name of the participant will be displayed. If there is no information in the database, information about this will be displayed. Another way is to enter the code from the document into a special field on the web page. The software product is developed in the form of a web service that implements the REST approach. The project is implemented in the Java programming language using the Spring family of frameworks: Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA, Spring Web, Spring Security. The project implements the Controller-Service-Repository design pattern and consists of the corresponding levels. At the entity level, entities from the database are described in the form of objects. That is, a class is created for each of the tables in the database, the fields of which correspond to the attributes of the table. At the repository level, requests to the database using the JpaRepository interface are described. The logic of the web service is implemented at the service level. A separate service class or several classes are written to perform each of the tasks, if the task is large and it is advisable to divide it into subtasks. REST controllers are responsible for the external interface. A separate access address (endpoint) will be created for each of the actions that the user or other application can perform. Main actions: creating an event, receiving a list of events, deleting events, adding information about an event participant, receiving a list of participants, generating certificates, sending certificates, authenticating users, checking the presence of a certificate by a unique code. The web service has a simple user interface in the form of a web page where you can check the certificate for authenticity. For the work of administrators, a cabinet was created using the Swagger library.


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How to Cite
Oleksiichuk, Y. F., Olkhovska, O. V., Olkhovsky, D. M., & Orlova, D. I. (2023). DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF A WEB SERVICE FOR GENERATING AND SENDING PDF DOCUMENTS. Systems and Technologies, 65(1), 39-45.